Leela Yadav comes pretty close, too, but she is shown to be an otherwise nice girl (if not a tad obnoxious).
Warnings at Waverly Academy's Izzy Romero acts like one to her fellow students. You have to break into a locked room the same way in Treasure in the Royal Tower. And you might even find out you weren't the first to go that way. You have to escape a locked room this way in The Deadly Device. Air-Vent Passageway: You use these to get into or out of locked rooms on a couple of occasions:. Adventure Game: Except for the Dossier spin-offs, all these games are played in a first-person perspective, similar to Myst. Adaptational Villainy: To keep things interesting for people who read the books, the culprits will potentially be changed, making the new culprit a formerly Nice Guy and the old culprit genuinely nice. #Nancy drew shadow at the waters edge picture fram series
Adaptation Expansion: While there are several hundred stories in the main series and spinoffs to draw from, somewhere near The Secret of Shadow Ranch, they simply started writing their own stories instead of continuing to directly adapt various books. Lampshaded in arglefumph's blind playthrough. Actor Allusion: The actor that voiced Rentaro (from Water's Edge), a character who built a robotic cat, also voiced Mason (from The Deadly Device), who also built a robotic cat. Nancy's mom, Kate Drew, of course, seeing as she was an exceptional spy. Kasumi Shimuzu, who gave her daughters a freaking sword as their inheritance. Connie Watson, who in the original Secrets Can Kill does a flying kick at Mitch, even though he's got a gun. Noisette Tornade, who worked as a French spy during WW2. Action Girl: You as Nancy Drew (best seen in Danger By Design when you get into a literal fight against the culprit at the end of the game and win), and a surprising amount of side characters as well:. Acme Products: Krolmeister products appear throughout the series. Big Fish Games also has all releases from 2000-2014 (including the Dossiers). Most of the games are available on Steam note Except for Stay Tuned For Danger, and a digital version of The Curse Of Blackmoor Manor is now available on GOG.com. Two additional games with a less immersive format Lights, Camera, Curses! and Resorting To Danger have been released under the "Nancy Drew Dossier" heading. Secrets Can Kill (1998 rereleased in a Remastered version in 2010).