1aauto 2017 suburban mirror gpass
1aauto 2017 suburban mirror gpass

1aauto 2017 suburban mirror gpass

Here's the original mirror we pulled from our vehicle. The heated mirror connectors are just those connectors. Let me see if I can take another pick, wedge it out. Sometimes, if you help, if you spray that in there, it helps to get them apart, and you can try to push in. They just get filled up with dirty, and they get jammed up. You can use this or water displacement oil. To make this clip easier to remove, I'm going to spray a little bit of glass cleaner on there. I'm going to use a small pick to push the lock in, and there's a lock on both sides, so I'm trying to push it in. Once you pry it up and off the clips, you can go in and unplug it. Basically, just trying to pry it up and off of the clips. I'm going to push the mirror glass in as far in at the top as it will go so I can try to get underneath it. There are some clips around the inside of it that I'm going to use a right angle pick and a flat blade screwdriver to try to pop these off, and pull this mirror glass assembly off. It's hard to see what you're working with when you're trying to get the mirror off here. I'm going to put some masking tape on it so that if it breaks while I'm removing it, the masking tape will catch the pieces, or, if your mirror is already broken, the masking tape will help hold the pieces together. We’ve been selling auto parts for over 30 years! We're going to swap out the mirror glass on this driver's side mirror.

1aauto 2017 suburban mirror gpass